Your Guide to Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR): The Technology, The Material, The Application
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Custom LSR Parts and LSR 2-Shot Components Bringing Extraordinary LSR Solutions®
Download this free report for more information on the following…
The material – learn more about the material properties of Liquid Silicone Rubber and how they can benefit your application
The applications – LSR has proven to be a useful material for a wide variety of industries – find out how it can improve the performance of your new or existing part or component.
The process – learn about everything from the vulcanization of the material itself (and the effects of time and temperature) to the intricacies of the LSR 2-Shot injection molding process.
Resource Center
SIMTEC Silicone Parts, LLC
Production of silicone and multi-material parts | Clean room
Large volume | USA | www.simtec-silicone.com
Silcoplast AG
Production of silicone and plastic molded components | Clean room
Small and large volumes | Switzerland | www.silcoplast.ch
RICO Elastomere Projecting GmbH
Tooling | Production of silicone and multi-material parts
Large volume | Austria | www.rico.at
HTR Rosenblattl GmbH
Tool hardening and thermal treatment
Material analysis | Austria | www.htr-rosenblattl.at